Tadapox is a medication that is a two-in-one treatment for the sexual dysfunction known as erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation in men.
Produced by Centurion Laboratories, Tadapox has the power of two different drugs which are Tadalafil 20 mg and Dapoxetine 60 mg in its chemical composition.
The presence of the Tadalafil 20 mg is responsible for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, while the Dapoxetine 60 mg takes care of the premature ejaculation problem.
The medication lasts for about 36 hours after the onset period of about 120 minutes, and only one pill of Tadapox is to be used per 48 hours to avoid the risk of drug overdose for the patient.
Doctors advise against the use of grapefruit juice and alcohol while the contents of the Tadapox oral pill are active in your system.
The dosage of Tadapox can interact with other medications containing drugs belonging to the PDE5 and SSRI family of drugs.