Buy Vriligy Online
Vriligy is a brand that is offered as a generic equivalent of the brand Priligy and it is used for the treatment of premature ejaculation sexual dysfunction in men.
Men who suffer from premature ejaculation benefit from the use of Vriligy for their treatment and it prolongs the time a man can spend in having sexual intercourse with his partner and you will find it prevents premature ejaculation while it is active in your body.
The presence of the Dapoxetine oral drug makes Vriligy effective against the symptoms of premature ejaculation in men, you will get Vriligy in different strengths of Dapoxetine drug.
It can be used about an hour prior to the act of making love as needs about 20-40 minutes for onset and will reach peak plasma levels in your body in about 1-2 hours after the onset is complete.
It can cause various side effects if combined with alcohol.